Find information in your audio and video files

Phonetic Index Search

Extremely fast and accurate search for keywords or phrases in audio and video files

Speech Analytics

Analyze your telephone recordings and unlock insights to improve your business

Your speech technology partner

Team up with us and expand your portfolio with professional voice and audio technology

Why us?

Compure develops a special technology, that is able to extract the information from audio streams.

Extracting information from audio recordings:

You can detect specific words or phrases spoken and extract high-level information from audio recordings (e.g.: telephone calls, call centers, TV / radio stations or a simple recorded speech or talk).

Information can be used to locate various business issues (e.g.: product issues, marketing issues, finance issues, etc.).

Sophisticated algorithms:

Our products are high-tech software components with complex mathematical algorithms to analyze speech / voice signals.

High accuracy:

All algorithms are optimized in order to maximize accuracy at high speed and low resource consumption (CPU and memory).

Technology without overhead:

Our products have no overhead (no database, no complicated setup process), but they focus on technologically complicated tasks.

The runtime modules are just one DLL file with data files leaving a minimal footprint.

Professional partner program

SDK (Software Development Kits) for easy integration:

The technologies can be integrated via an easy to use Software Development Kit.

Work in team with partners:

We work in a mutual dependency with our integrators as partners, because our partners develop solutions for their market (e.g. call centers)

Aligned product roadmap:

We align our product roadmap to our partners’ requirements

Our only expertise: Technology development

We focus on core-technology development and not on solution development (marketing)

The team

We are team of mathematicians, physicists, linguists and computer scientists

Compure is not a big multinational company with a big marketing and sales armada, but rather a small team of technicians with high technology skills

Ideal know-how extension for software developers and solution providers

We feel to be an ideal extension of our partners, covering complex mathematical know-how to extract information from voice recordings



Search for words or phrases:

ACTNow enables to search very fast and accurately for words or phrases in audio or video streams

Phonetic index search mode:

Create an index and search in it (efficient if you want to do various spontaneous analysis)

Phonetic online search mode:

Online searches (Search for words or phrases immediately when feeding audio data)
Results contain start time in ms, end time in ms, probability and channel information for stereo input signals

Store the data wherever you want:

Allows storage of data in any format. The index is a BLOB that can be managed by the integrator (e.g. store in database or simply on hard drive or wherever the integrator wants to)

Various resolutions:

Support for different resolutions to balance between index size and accuracy
Balance between search speed and accuracy
Different languages: US-English, UK-English, German, French,
Hungarian, Arabic, etc.
Different audio formats


SynKit synchronizes audio streams to texts:

If you have a sound file and a corresponding text (transcript of the sound file), then you can use SynKit to automatically assign time stamps in the audio file for each word in the text

High accuracy and high speed:

Of course the result depends on the audio quality and the accuracy of the transcript. But even if both are not ideal, SynKit can create very good results

Feed audio data from any data source:

It is up to the integrator where to collect the audio data from. It may come directly from a microphone or a sound file or wherever. The integrator feeds the audio data to SynKit to retrieve the alignment information

Easy function to align from files:

If the audio data is in a sound file and the text in a text file, then you can use a ready made function to synchronize both files.


Software developers

Our partners integrate and redistribute our software components to end-users.

Partners cover different markets such as

Telephone/Call centers recorders TV/Radio/Broadcast recording Various recordings (meetings, dictation, etc)

Ideal license model

We offer different license models to adjust to the model of our partners

Close cooperation

We work with a only a few partners to be able to support a very close cooperation to ensure a win/win/win partnership



A big part of our algorithms require a very deep understanding of various mathematics

Applied Physicists

The analysis of speech signal requires a comprehensive knowledge of signal processing


The linguistic part is important to model each language

Software developers

An optimal implementation of our algorithms is required to optimize the code for speed, resource consumption and robustness to deliver bug-free software to our partners


Compure Services Kft.

Compure Services Kft.
Szépvölgyi út 52, 1025 Budapest,
Hungary, Europe
+36 30 991 2487
Tax number: HU22676281